hey all,

I would love some input on how to get the look I would like on a bit of navigation and keep it accessible.

I have a horizontal nav, and I would like to prevent a widow by controlling where the break happens as text size is increased or the browser window is made smaller.

I've got a version with nth child, but I haven't figured out the syntax to control the wrap. I'm not sure it's possible. It would be great to be able to write the media-query so that it kicks in when the links wrap, instead of at a px size. Anyone know how to do that?

This is the code I would like to use - the HTML is very plain, the last two links are style using nth child. It validates.

this is the look I'm after.

The last two links wrap onto the second line together. They are wrapped in a span styled to "white-space:nowrap". This sounds ok to me in VoiceOver. It passes WAVE, but breaks validation in everything else I've tried.

thanks all, for your time and attention!

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