Philippe Wittenbergh wrote:
I'm not sure if any browser supports E:empty decently.
FF appears to, but for things with literally nothing inside, e.g. <p></p>. Perhaps also for just whitespace, but I'd need to check that. AFAIK that's what the spec says, which is a shame, because then you can't target text-only nodes.

Anyway, that wouldn't work, as your selector is not empty, it does contain a node <img src="" ..../>

I'd be quite happy to just target the ones without a child node, but even text counts as not-empty.

The only thing you possibly can do is tag links that contain images with a class, then

Thanks, it is good to get a second opinion on something like this!

What I've done for now is to use slightly different links:
/outbound.php?url=[link] for one, and
/outbound?url=[link] for ones without images.
Then use: a[href^="/outbound.php"]

However, it might be tricky automatically applying that through the WYSIWYG editor I'm trying to configure for other editors of the site

Kind regards,



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