I have this site that I've got working. I have two little niggling
details that perhaps you can help me solve.

My template page is http://9999corp.webmachineinc.sytes.net/index2.html.

The first is that using the menu I found on alistapart.com, I cant
seem to get images to work on the li driven list menu instead of the
bullets.  Hopefully this is clear. The culprit seems to be that in
order to get the hilight to work properly, you have to set the "li a"
items as inline. but then the bullet gets its own line which kind of
makes sense.  The best workaround I've found is to actually include
the bullet image in the html which is obviously RONG!

The second item is that I would like to have the page I'm on in the
menu as hilited in the menu but for the life of me I cant figure out
how to get a selector to work on it. Anybody done this?

Drat, a third one.  on ie 5.1 on a mac, the content seems to want to
jump to the right.  Is there a fix for this?

Thanks in advance to anyone helping and have  great day!

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