jeremy wrote:
Is there a way that you can write the css to start displayig in a new collumn after 100 <li> entries?

sounds like this is a better job for php than css.

every 100, start a new dynamic Div

<? for $x=0; $x<100; x++  {
        echo ?>
                <div id="divA">
                        <li's here...>

<? for $x=100; $x<200; x++  {
        echo ?>
                <div id="divB">
                        <li's here...>

and so on... you can even use php to dynamically write out the for loops and so on.

then, in you css have you divA and divB ID's set up for your floats/positioning you want.

here is an example of my list as it exsists in tables ont the old site....

Here is where the list will be going...

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