I've joined this list after finally finding a problem that I couldn't
work out a practical solution. I'm sure this won't be the first time.

So here's my problem:
My page works fine in Gecko browsers, and *almost* fine in IE6. I
haven't tested in other browsers, as my client made it clear that it
wasn't a concern.

The problem only rears its annoying head when the window is resized by
the user. My navigation list, using the 'son of suckerfish' system,
doesn't change its position with the other elements on the page. Only
when you hover the mouse over the list does it snap back to its
correct position.

I guess it needs to be seen to be properly understood, so here's the
link to my test page:
Just open it in explorer and mess with the window size. Look at the
navlist and the problem should be apparent imediately.

I suspect it has something to do with other CSS declarations that
don't play well with suckerfish, but I can't see which ones. I've done
a fair bit of searching, but if you put 'IE' and 'problem' into a
search engine, you tend to get an avalanche of varied results.

This isn't a deal breaker, just an annoyance.However it is something
the client has mentioned, so I'd like to solve it if I can. Any help
would be very much appreciated.

PS: CSS links as well:
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

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