On 7/21/05, T Shorrock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hmm.. in your opinion anyway. The web is a multi-media platform... I
> would hate my TV, DVD's etc to be silent. Websites are often an advert
> for people's business, and they use sound on their TV ads and,
> probably, in their presentations, promotion videos... why not on their
> Internet ad. Also, retail outlets tend to play music... again, why
> can't they have music or sound on their sites? What about musican's
> websites - should they, too, remain silent?

Yes, they should. Would you feel the same about your TV if it played
soundtrack from five channels at once? 

Now imagine - I have my favourite CD/mp3/whatever playing on my PC
and I open three sites in tabs of my Firefox. And each site feels the
need to greet me with it's own sound. And the one of those hosts
five banners, all with sound to.

Would you likt THAT?

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