On 7/27/05, . Berrys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello, I'm a relatively experienced HTML coder painfully trying to make a
> full transition to CSS and XHTML. I'm working on a prototype and have much of
> it figured out -- but I see some inconsistencies that baffle me.  Forgive me 
> if
> these questions have come up recently -- I did a search on "positioning" and
> another on "font-weight" and got way too many results to read through.

True -- like Google, it's all about the right search terms.
Unfortunately, without knowledge of what the problem is, it'll be
harder -- you kinda need to know the answer to figure out how to find
the answer. :/

> The site:
> http://home.comcast.net/~338312berry/nwsoil/index.html
> The CSS:
> http://home.comcast.net/~338312berry/nwsoil/screenstyle.css
> My questions:
> 1 - Why does the left nav bar place extra space on its right side in IE (but 
> not
> Firefox)?

This has to do with an IE-specific attribute called "hasLayout".
Basically, when IE tries to figure out where everything is, it keeps
everything up in the air until it finds something with a defined
height, width, or other attribute that lets it say "I now know where
this belongs". If the layout goes too long without hitting an element
that has layout, it starts losing its mind, and its place on the page.

In this case, the #header wrapper doesn't have layout, since it has no
width or height dimensions. This confuses the content wrapper, and it
screws up its left padding dimensions. To resolve this, give #header a
width or height. It would probably be simple to say  #header {width:
100%}, since this doesn't impact any browsers negatively -- the width
is already pretty much defined by the .wholepage div, so making it
100% of that div's width doesn't change anything, except for giving IE

> 2 - Is it true that "font-weight" really doesn't show up?  I tried specifying 
> actual weights, like 450, but it seems to display only regular font up to 500 
> and "bold" font from 550 upwards.

Believe it or not, the numbers do make a difference -- but only if
you've got fonts that take advantage of it. For example, if you have a
font family with two weights -- normal and bold -- then numbers below,
say 500, will use the normal weight, and above that would be bold. If,
however, you choose a font family that has lots of weights (extra
light, light, normal, medium, medium-bold, bold, heavy, black, extra
black) you might end up being able to have a different weight for each
increment of 100. Typically this doesn't happen, however, because many
operating systems cannot tell that two sets of fonts are actually in
the same family. Often Black weights are defined as separate families
from Normal and Bold, which might also be different from Light and
Medium. Although there might be an operating system that dynamically
builds intermediary font weights, it's not the norm, so typically you
have to make do with what you and your audience have.


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