> I need help with several problems on this page:
> http://www.haroldauto.com/edit:2:43t243
> first of all, in ie there are icons/buttons visible, I don't understand why 
> they don't
> show up in firefox.
> also if someone could tell me what css changes need to be made for the form
> fields and labels to have equal height, as it is in firefox the labels are 
> slightly
> taller.
> and finally, the color theme selection swatches look fine in ie but cluttered 
> up in
> firefox, any help with any of the above problems will be great =)


As a note, the source for this page is very difficult to read.
Typically, styles are much easier to read when each declaration
("property:value;") is on its own line, and HTML is easier to read
when block elements are on their own lines, with indenting to show
that one element is inside another. Although this does not guarantee
immediate responses, it will increase the odds dramatically. :)

For what I could see, the there is no DOCTYPE element before HTML,
which means that most browsers will use older display algorithms that
will not be cross-browser. Adding the DOCTYPE will at least get the
presentations similar in both browsers. It will probably look more
like it does in Firefox than in IE, but at least it will follow the
specifications more closely. Take a look in the Wiki at
http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=RenderingMode for more about
DOCTYPE and how it impacts presentation.


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