I've read a bunch of different techniques for dealing with background- image flicker in IE (which seems to occur on <a> elements as well as on other elements when their CSS properties are being modified by JavaScript. Some have worked, some haven't, and some aren't appropriate to all situations (for example, I don't think the double- buffer method would work in a situation where I'm setting a:hover, but I could be wrong.)

Anyway, I've come up with an additional technique that uses the IE AlphaImageLoader filter (the one everyone uses to get IE to work with transparent PNGs). In its simplest form, it looks like this:
a {
        background-image: url(/img/some-image.gif);
filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader (src='/img/some-image.gif',
a:hover {
        background-image: url(/img/some-image-over.gif);
filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader (src='/img/some-image-over.gif',

As far as I can tell it works like a charm. If you're using GIFs, you don't even need a real browser branch: non-IE browsers will ignore the filter, and everything will look fine in IE because it's layering two copies of the same background image (whose pixels are either completely transparent or completely opaque) on top of one another. If you were using transparent PNGs instead, you'd need a branch.

Any thoughts on the pros and cons of this method? It seems simpler to me than some, though it won't work for repeating background images.


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