> From: Fred Newtz
> Sent: Friday, August 05, 2005 12:33 PM

> Is there anyway I can align two different pieces of text to 
> two different
> sides of a <TD>?  I tried using <div> and <span> however it 
> is not working
> for me.  Here is what I am trying to do now:

> <div><td class="rowclass">1. Newtz, Fred   <span style="text-align:
> right"><b>Enrolled on:</b> 04/11/2005</td></span></div>

If you float the span to the right, and place it before the text you want on the
left (and make sure to close your tags in the proper order), you can achieve
this (tested in Firefox).

<table border="2" width="600px"><tr>
<td class="rowclass"><span style="float:right;">ipsum</span>Lorem</td>

If the ordering seems unnatural, you could also do something like:

<style type="text\css">
td.rowclass1      { text-align:right; }
td.rowclass1 span { float:left;       }
<table border="2" width="600px"><tr>
<td class="rowclass1"><span>Lorem</span>ipsum</td>


Glenn E. Lanier II

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