Ingo Chao wrote:

Opera 8.02 (not 7.54!) /Win shows weird problems with the links. Top
 navigation links get a gray background on hover and keep it, and the
 image links to the left don't work at all on hover.

I remember someone (Georg?) once said that Opera don't like
text-indent: -99999px;

Opera 8 - known limitation:

text-indent: (-32767px (window-width included));

Opera starts "calculating backwards" when the 16 bits integer is "half
way", which results in a scroll-bar. Pretty logical behavior, really.

Safe value should therefore be defined around -30000px so window-width
won't disturb until well above 2400 in width.

Older versions of Opera have even less to go on (if I remember
correctly), but they react differently so the "flaw" may not appear.

The really safe value is around -10000, which should be plenty.


All browsers will reach a calculation-limit at some point, and they act
differently when they do.
More correctly: there's really no such thing as 'off-screen'. It's just
a set of calculations that results in 'not within visible area'.

I see no reason to use negative 'off-screen' values that are larger than
 what's actually needed. Once we are so far 'off-screen' that the stuff
is invisible, then there's no reason to go any further and risk running
into browser-limitations.

Safe negative 'off-screen' value across browser-land is -9999px, which
should cover "screen-width + element-width" up to that value. What more
do anyone need?

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