On 8/10/05, dimpie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I would like to be able create a menu with several levels (submenu's) that 
> does the folowing:
> If you hover over the toplevel the submenu should expand and stay visible 
> when you remove the mouse from it.
> When you hover over the top menu again, the submenu should close.
> I was wondering it this is possible with CSS only?
> Here is an example http://www.hoogvliet.com/ of what I'd like to achieve.
> If you hover over 'Over Hoogvliet' the submenu expands and stays open if you 
> remove the mouse cursor.

No. CSS cannot keep a state, and can only show and hide everything
inside the element the cursor is currently on. This effect can be
easily done with JavaScript though.

Chris Heilmann 
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