Tanya Renne wrote:

Two people in a client of 20 people are having trouble with this page:


- the splash image on the right is sliding down below the navigation on the left. While I fixed the issue for most IE users (too wide main div due to padding) I can't seem to identify the issue for these two users ... I'm hoping someone on this list will see it and suggest a solution.


I'm not sure I can identify the problem either, but here are some observations: It may be the two users do not have their default font-setting at 'medium'-- if it is set at 'larger,' or 'largest' the problem occurs. The users in question may have their security setting "High," disabling your js font-size thing. If they re-size the fonts using the toolbar, the right column drops due to the font bug(below), and width problems. You have the font-size set on the body in em, triggering a font-resizing bug in IE-- change it to percent. You have the width of the outer-most container set at 800; consequently, regardless of the browser, users are getting a scroll bar at 800. Try bringing down to 780 or a little less-- you may need to hack the widths for IE, as well. aside: The menu you are using does not function well if any font-zoom is used-- and will continue to be a problem in IE, as well, even after resolving the font bug..
David Laakso

David Laakso

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