4css!!!! wrote:
This just came up today on a forum I visit, question was in regards to using a container/wrapper when doing your designs, if so, what would the reasons be, if not why not, is this just for certain layouts, fixed and fluid, just fixed, just floats etc..

well, I'd say it's kind of like bringing home the groceries - if you've got a car, then why use bags? --because it is easier to take them manage the groceries - taking them inside, organizing different types of groceries, keeping them cold...

kidding aside, it 1) eliminates redundant attributes, particularly with positioning, because all inner containers can be influenced by the wrapper's own positioning; 2) allows grouping of inner elements; and 3) adds specificity.

1) In some cases, it's an absolute necessity - for example, if trying to position inner divs relatively or absolutely to something other than the body of the page.

2) Or if you want to center a fixed width layout - the outer wrapper div makes it possible to apply the auto value to the left and right margin and all the inner elements stay properly centered.

3) Plus, it gives you yet another ID (high specificity) you can tap into should the occasion warrant it.

You could generate a huge list of this layout and that layout needs or doesn't need a wrapper div, but the general advantages are mostly the ones above...however they apply to a specific layout.

There's probably a better way to say it, but that's how I look at it.


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