On 8/24/05, andrew welch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This works with IE in quirks mode, but not in Firefox or IE in
> standards mode.  The problem is setting the table to 100% high - IE in
> quirks mode makes that the height of the viewport, whereas IE in
> standards mode and Firefox make that the height of its container.  As
> we don't know the exact height of the window, the table just sizes to
> its contents and so no content overflows, hence no scrollbars.

<example snipped/>

Hi, Andrew,

You might want to see about ways to make sure that "100%" is being
recognized. The issue is that a percent height only works if its
parent's height is not based upon its content (that is, as "auto"). If
the parent container doesn't have a defined height, percents turn into

The way to get around this is by defining the heights for all parents
between window and the table. HTML, which defines the initial
containing block, can use a percentage, because its "parent" is the
window itself, whose height is not based upon its content.[2][3] So if
HTML is set to 100% high, it is now explicitly defined as being as
tall as the window. From there, you then define BODY as 100% high, and
that will stick because HTML's height is fully defined as the height
of the window. BODY will be as tall as the window, too. As you keep
going from child to child, setting heights to 100%, you can reach down
as far as you need until you hit the table and make it 100% high. If
everything between it and the window are set as 100% high, it will be
as high as the window too, which should give you your scrollbars.



[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visudet.html#the-height-property
[2] http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visudet.html#containing-block-details
[3] http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visuren.html#q2
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