Hello all,

I have a document with 8 DIV elements. I want 4 to be in the left column and
4 to be in the right column.

Now here is the fun part - I want to control which element is in which
column, using style only.

It seems simple: to move an element to the right column - just change its
style to "float:right", and the same for left.

It works fine in IE6, as you can see here:


However, in FF1, there are strange empty blocks in seemingly random
positions, as you can see in the same link:


Is there a way to fix it?

Thanks a lot,

N.B. Here is the code:

 #a, #b, #d, #h {float:left;  width:49%; clear:left;  background:pink;
 #c, #e, #f, #g {float:right; width:49%; clear:right; background:lightgreen;

<hr style='clear:both'>
 <div id=a>aaaaa</div>
 <div id=b>bbbbb</div>
 <div id=c>ccccc</div>
 <div id=d>ddddd</div>
 <div id=e>eeeee</div>
 <div id=f>fffff</div>
 <div id=g>ggggg</div>
 <div id=h>hhhhh</div>
<hr style='clear:both'>

To move, say, element a to the right and element g to the left, just change
the style to:
 #g, #b, #d, #h {float:left;  width:49%; clear:left;  background:pink;
 #c, #e, #f, #a {float:right; width:49%; clear:right; background:lightgreen;

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