Hopefully when the large image (above) repeats, there will not be enough padding to reveal the small arrow in the second image that gets repeated
(incorrectly) in IE5/Mac?  Lemme' know if that works?

The problem is much more insidious than a repeating image. Basically, when the link wraps to a new line, it is split into two blocks, and each block gets the css applied to it separately, as if the other block did not exist. I've messed with this a bit, and don't know of a workaround.

I suggest using the Mac IE hack to remove the bg image and call it a day. The original poster makes the erroneous assumption that Mac OSX IE = Mac OSX, but in reality this is only rarely the case. Probably less than 0.1% of the audience of a typical site. Most Mac IE hits will be from users on Mac OS 9, which cannot use Safari and you have to be pretty dedicated to find the Mozilla-brand download. Still, Mac IE tends to be less than 1% of an audience; I run a website that gets more than 40% of its pageviews from Macs, and it's Mac IE contingent is only 4%.


    Ben Curtis : webwright
    bivia : a personal web studio
    v: (818) 507-6613

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