Tanya Renne wrote:
Unveiling tonight - launching tomorrow ...


... I'd like to normalize the unit of measure for example.

if you care to login as bambam/bambam and click on "my page" -


Hmm, launching tomorrow, eh? Might want to reconsider, especially if you
expect any Opera users to view the site. Firefox and IE have issues, as
well, but the layout and nav are pretty much hosed in Opera. All three
exhibit wrapping of the tabs on the My Page page. with "Links" appearing on
a second row below the others and migrating back and forth as tabs are
selected. On those pages with breadcrumb navigation at the top of the mid
main content section there is also wrapping when the nav becomes long enough
(e.g. Contact Information and Events pages). I'm not sure what the logic is
to including the section's menu items in the breadcrumb nav, but that's what
is causing the wrapping.

In both FF and Opera, the "Submit Comments/Questions" in the left sidebar
wraps to an unstyled line. In Opera, resizing horizontally results in the
sidebar menu items "projecting out" into the white main content area, since
they maintain their size while the sidebar background shrinks horizontally
with the page width. Finally, the horizontal nav bar fails completely in
Opera. True, it degrades to list items, but it hardly looks professional.
Also, the "Library" submenu wraps from the nav bar and floats forlornly in
the white space below the nav bar with nothing to identify it.

That's all I have time for right now, but I imagine that will be enough to
keep you busy between now and tomorrow's launch time. The above
notwithstanding, I actually do like the appearance (images, color scheme,
etc.) of the site, although as Hershel mentioned I think I would have
dispensed with the plus signs completely or gone with plain round bullets,
which don't imply expansion on clicking.


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