> I have seen advice as follows: forget CSS and just use tables for
> something as simple as this; use Javascript (x.js) to get x-browser
> compatibility; write it quick and dirty in MS Powerpoint (! that has
> to be a bad idea, no?); use browser detection and write several
> versions.

That is the worst advice I have ever heard. Wherever you read that, promise
you will never visit those websites again?

Anyway, here is some good advice:

Your site looks like it is already cross-compatible. That's the benefit of
simplicity. However, you are still using the < br > tag. If you use < br >,
you have to type it as < br />, so it closes itself. Otherwise you have
unclosed tags, which is invalid. However, you shouldn't need to use < br />.
Any place where you have < br />, take it out, and apply a bottom margin of
1em to the element above it.

For example, you have a UL for your navigation. Note: A UL is a list. The
list needs list items, called LI. so it should be:

< ul >
< li > < a href = " " > < /a > < /li >
< li > ... < /li >
< /ul >

Then, do this.

< ul class="navigation" >
< /ul >

and in CSS:

.class li { margin-bottom:1em }

or margin-bottom:2em, if you like.

If you get it to work, you will see, no need for < br /> !!

The best way to center the layout might be to put the three divs (left,
center right) in a single div, and apply this to the wrapper div:

#wrapper { margin: 0 auto 0 auto; }

Also, make the text on the site bigger. Small text is really harsh on
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