Hey ya'll

I have a suckerfish menu going that works fairly well accross every
5.0+browser apart from Mac IE


There are some minor presentation glitches which I think I can work out. My
main issue is speed: it takes a long time to load nested <ul>'s when
mousingover it's <li> parent node.

As an IE browser, it's running the HTMLDog's sfHover() script that attaches
a class to <li>'s, which is then controlled in the CSS, along with the hover
class used by non-IE browsers.

#nav li:hover ul ul, #nav li:hover ul ul ul, #nav li.sfhover ul ul, #nav
li.sfhover ul ul ul {
left: -999em;

I am thinking that the -999em is monkeywrenching MacIE5.2, but
<offtopic>perhaps the sfHover script is also causing slowdown when it
iterates through all the <li>'s to attach a class to them.</offtopic>

Ignoring the scripting question, anyone see anything in my CSS (in above
document) that could be causing slow processing in Mac IE 5.2? Thanks

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