Having some minor problem with Firefox 1.0.6 on GNU/Linux, concerning some
"empty pixels" that seem to appear random between some of the dropdown menu.
For example on the orizontal one I see them among Sub1.1-Sub1.2, Sub1.4-Sub1.5
and on some of the others SubX.X. Seems like there is a border of 1 maybe 2px
among these submenus.
Almost same problem with vertical one, where I see a "line" like that also
between Item3-Item4 and at least one on each dropdown in correspondace with
this one, so is Sub1.3-Sub1.4, Sub2.2-Sub2.3, Sub3.2-Sub3.3 and (?)


Yeah, FF appears to handle borders a bit differently than other browsers. I don't know what that's all about.

However, one "fix" is to place a border around the entire menu-item-box and not just the top and right. It makes the menu-item-boxes slightly larger than what I want. But, the net is a lesson in compromise.

Many thanks for your review and comment.


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