My request for help may be beyond the scope of this list, but I thought I would post it and see if anyone could help.

I have a form, which submits to a file on the server. I've been told that once the server file receives a submission, it can send a response to the user stating that the form has been received - but I have no idea how to do that. I do have access to the file. Looking at the code for the file that receives the submission (listed below), it appears that it already has some messages that should be sent, but if I submitt the form without any inputs, I do not get a message from the server. The url for the form submission page is:

Thanks for any help


Dim landing_page, host_url
Dim fso, outfile, filename, dirname, myFolder
Dim req_method, key, value
Dim bErr, errStr, bEmpty
On Error resume next
bErr = false
bEmpty = true
errStr = ""
Set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
host_url = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_HOST")
req_method = Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD")
dtNow = Now()
filename = Server.MapPath("ssfm")
dirname = filename
filename = filename & "/gdform_" & DatePart("M", dtNow) & DatePart ("D", dtNow) & DatePart("YYYY", dtNow) & DatePart("N", dtNow) & DatePart("S", dtNow)

Function FormatVariableLine(byval var_name, byVal var_value)
    Dim tmpStr
tmpStr = tmpStr & "<GDFORM_VARIABLE NAME=" & var_name & " START>" & vbCRLF
    tmpStr = tmpStr & var_value & vbCRLF
    tmpStr = tmpStr & "<GDFORM_VARIABLE NAME=" & var_name & " END>"
    FormatVariableLine = tmpStr
end function

Sub OutputLine(byVal line)
end sub

if err.number = 0 then
    Set outfile = fso.CreateTextFile(filename, true, false)
    if err.number <> 0 then
            bErr = true
errStr = "Error creating file! Directory may not be writable or may not exist.<br>Unable to process request."
        if(req_method = "GET") then
            for each Item in request.QueryString
                if item <> "" then
                    bEmpty = false
                    key = item
                    value = Request.QueryString(item)
                    if(lcase(key) = "redirect") then
                        landing_page = value
                        line = FormatVariableLine(key, value)
                        Call OutputLine(line)
                    end if
                end if
        elseif (req_method = "POST") then
            for each Item in request.form
                if item <> "" then
                    bEmpty = false
                    key = item
                    value = Request.form(item)
                    if(lcase(key) = "redirect") then
                        landing_page = value
                        line = FormatVariableLine(key, value)
                        Call OutputLine(line)
                    end if
                end if
        end if
    end if
    if(bEmpty = true) AND errStr = "" then
        bErr = true
errStr = errStr & "<br>No variables sent to form! Unable to process request."
    end if
    if(bErr = false) then
        if (landing_page <> "") then
            response.Redirect "http://"; & host_url & "/" & landing_page
            response.Redirect "http://"; & host_url
        end if
        Response.Write errStr
    end if
    set fso = nothing
Response.Write " An Error Occurred creating mail message. Unable to process form request at this time."
end if

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