On 10/19/2005 7:59 PM Betsy Garfield wrote:

This design isn't perfect but my here's my main problem right now: the drop down menus aren't clickable in IE and the text in the li boxes is getting garbled.

test page: http://base.wrjdistrict13.org/index.html
css: http://base.wrjdistrict13.org/style1.css
js: http://base.wrjdistrict13.org/nav.js

I don't see where you're calling your Javascript function anywhere (which makes this not a CSS problem), and IE is gonna need that. You can try changing your body tag to:

<body onload="cssJsMenu(navMenu)">

and see what that gets you, but I'd recommend reviewing this tutorial:


or using the "Son of Suckerfish" technique:


Steve Clason
Web Design and Development
Boulder, Colorado, USA

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