> >Following a site check (thanks everyone), it transpires that the
> >
> >http://www.freshclickmedia.com/previews/endo/home.htm
> >
> >causes a browser crash on the Apple Mac (reported specifically on IE
> >5.2.3, but I'm now concerned about other mac browsers.)

> you have made extensive use of the "inherit" keyword.  As you
> can read about here <http://www.l-c-n.com/IE5tests/misc/#crash>, Mac
> IE does not like that keyword.  As an experiment, I simply searched
> for and commented out all instances of that keyword and your site
> worked just fine.

I was not aware of that problem on IE Mac - thanks.

> I expect you are using all those inherits in order to placate
> validator warnings about color and background-color.  If so, I would
> suggest simply ignoring the validator.  You still have valid code,
> and all your backgrounds are working just fine at any zoom level that
> doesn't cause element overlap (which for me occurs at 300%).  A
> warning means something could go wrong that can't be mechanically
> checked.  If a human check shows everything is fine, the warnings can
> be safely ignored.

Absolutely right - my original CSS code didn't have those inherits.
Headed over to the validator, and it threw up warnings.  Little did I
know that including them would crash the browser!  I'll be a little less
concerned with warnings in the future.

> If there is some other reason for having all those inherits in there,
> hopefully Phillipe's pages will suggest some useful workarounds.
> HTH,
> --
> -Adam Kuehn

Thanks Adam and Phillipe (also BJ and eatme for their help).
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