Trish Meyer wrote:

At 9:29 AM -0400 10/25/05, David Laakso wrote:

You might take a look at these methods for setting images and captions(note the file is 4.01 consequently the <p> is not closed):

It doesn't help me with my next problem of captioning a bunch of images, which you can see at
I'm supposed to be putting two lines of text (the name of the artist, and the title of the artwork), under each image. Right now they all just float left with a border and margins.

There are 7 images. Make a 50px square thumb for each one. Float all 7 in a single horizontal row. Make 7 identical pages like that. Put a different full size image (with the name and title benaeth it) positioned above the thumbs on each of the 7 pages. Click the appropriate thumb to see its enlargement.



David Laakso

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