Hi Angela,

Thought it best I write off list.

I know exactly how you feel... My first table less website (all CSS) nearly 
gave me a nervous breakdown, thank god the client was overseas and not 
pushing... it took an age and cost us far more to build than quoted and I 
ended up getting a CSS person to do the CSS (paid him very well), and it 
wasn't worth it, I still had to make changes and understand what he was 
doing... in the end it fell into place with lots of help from this list, 
and I completed the site.

Big sigh of relieve and big, big glass of wine each night! ;-)

The next site (I've been doing this for a living since 1997, so like you 
have to work to client timetables) was way easier and I felt sooo much 
better on completion.

The one after that I started to enjoy using CSS and felt I was 
understanding it a bit more.

The site I'm on now, I couldn't and wouldn't want to go back to a table 
design there's soooo much more scope for the actual design with CSS, but I 
still feel a CSS newbie!

Keep going if you have the time to work it out for this site, it will be 
worth it in the end.

Kind regards and good luck,

At 10:05 AM 5/11/2005, Angela Trigg wrote:
>Been developing in Firefox like a good little CSS newbie, and am making the
>tweaks necessary to make it work in IE6/WIN (which feels like trying to put
>a rubix cube together). I felt like I was so close, until I just took a look
>at it in Netscape 7! I feel like throwing the towel in and going back to
>tables--- seriously-- I can code sites so fast that way because I've been
>doing it for so many years, can someone give me a reason to stick it out
>given all the hacks you have to do, etc? I hate to have to go back because
>I've invested hours and hours and hours into trying to get this to work
>using just CSS.
>Here's my site:

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