Hi Roger, thanks for your quick response.  You didn't miss the 
beginning of the thread - I just left out enough details to give you 
that impression - sorry.  ;)

I played around a bit with conditional statements, but found that they 
didn't quite do it for me - I still couldn't figure out how to make IE 
use a min-width and width:auto; the way that Firefox does.  The problem 
with not having a min-width defined is that the buttons use background 
images - if they're not wide enough the images get cut off and look 

I don't have the code posted anywhere yet, sorry.


On Nov 7, 2005, at 2:30 PM, Roger Roelofs wrote:

> Phil,
> On Nov 7, 2005, at 4:46 PM, Philip DeGreen wrote:
>> Sorry for yet another question about min-width and IE but none of the
>> solutions I've found so far work for me.  I'm defining styles for
>> buttons which will have variable length text in them depending on what
>> language they're displayed in.  I'd like to set a min-width for the
>> button, but also specify that the element should grow if it needs to 
>> in
>> order to accommodate the button label.  This is very easy and 
>> effective
>> in Firefox...:
>> .button
>> {
>>      min-width: 65px;
>>      width: auto;
>> }
>> ...but, of course, doesn't work in IE.  The hacks that I've found to
>> work around this don't seem to enable me to set a min-width AND
>> width:auto for IE.  Any ideas?
> Somehow I missed the beginning of this thread, so you may have already
> covered this ground, but this is one of those cases where I use
> conditional comments and a separate stylesheet or javascript with ie
> fixes.  Is there a url to a sample page?  Seeing this problem in
> context would help me to give you a more precise answer.
> The other side of this question is 'How bad is it if ie users don't get
> the min-width?'  The buttons would still work.  Will it break your
> layout somehow, or is it just sub-optimal?
> Roger,
> Roger Roelofs
> "Remember, if you’re headed in the wrong direction,
>       God allows U-turns!"
>         ~Allison Gappa Bottke
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