Thanks, David!

> Well its nice to see that you explicitly check for Netscape or
> Internet Explorer and only disable it for those users (nice in the
> sense that "I wouldn't effect me if I hadn't already blocked such
> scripts in my browser").

It's not my script, because I don't know the first thing about writing
them.  Yet.
(The credit to some guy named Matt is in the source.)
I did object -- strongly -- to the script, but they do say "the
client's always right."
It doesn't work in my Firefox, either.  Again, the client insisted.

If anyone has a valid cross-browser way to implement this bit
that David and I both agree shouldn't be done, I'd love to hear about it.

> The font size there is 90% (#sidebar p) of 150% (#sidebar) of my
> default font size. That is, 135% of my default font size.

Of course, I was thinking 90% of the default font size.

I did do a lot of reading to attempt an ascent of the web standards
learning curve.
Really.  I did.

Thanks again,
Mike Montgomery
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