> You have markup like:
> <div id="generalresume_name">Angus D.F. MacKinnon</div>
> <p id="generalresume_address">23756 110B Avenue<br />
> But your css is:
> .generalresume_name {
> .generalresume_address {
> Either the css needs to be
> #generalresume_name {
> #generalresume_address {
> Or you need to change the markup to class="generalresume_name"
> The .whatever is a class, #whatever is an id.

Also, and according to Topstyle [1], "underscores in selectors aren't 
supported by many browsers, altough they are valid according to the CSS2 
specification [2]."

In regards to this matter something similar has been discussed here 
before [3].

1. www.bradsoft.com/topstyle/
2. www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/syndata.html#q4
3. http://archivist.incutio.com/viewlist/css-discuss/58773

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