I'm looking for some "best practices" information on setting up external
style sheet(s) for a large web site that has highly variable design elements
from section to section. 


Specifically, I am thinking about separating the CSS aspects controlling
layout (DIV margins, padding, etc) and display (font-families, colors,
etc.). This is a pretty straightforward use of CSS, although I imagine there
are still optimal ways to go about doing this. But for this application
(www.engage.com <http://www.engage.com/> ) there are a large number of
design elements, each of which is currently controlled by very specific sets
of entries in one of the CSS docs. (This site's CSS is a mess right now,
with inline and external styles. It's been handled by a number of different
people, which doesn't help.)


If anyone can recommend a good article, or site devoted to this topic, I
would be much obliged. Unfortunately, I'm new to this list, so I haven't had
an opportunity to read along with any existing discussions.




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