> It's possible, and pretty simple. You just use the solution from the
> wiki, where you style the COL and IE picks it up, and use adjacent
> siblings for standards-complient browsers.

This is what I'm trying to avoid, since I would rather not style for
individual browsers, which means it would be not-simple to me.  I'm all
for hacking the dead, I love CSS, and I use it as much as possible, but
when it means keeping separate styling in very different ways all over
the place for each browser, I don't have the patience (personal flaw)
nor time (dang deadlines) to keep up with all of that.

[Giving the tables individual names would be possible for me, but giving
the body tag a class would not in my personal situation, as I'm using
asp.net and master pages.  To be more technically correct, I could use
code behind to set a class on the body depending on what the page's file
name was or some such way, but this would be a hassle for me to set up
for no real purpose.  Plus keep in mind here that my shopping cart
displays on the side (or bottom depending on what layout is chosen) of
the main section, which would potentially have both of the other tables
on it (though not at the same time, of course), which the body-class
method wouldn't cover.]

> It's a little bit more CSS, but it gets the job done without
> wading into the conceptual impossibility that is trying to force table
> cells to inherit from a COL or COLGROUP.

Or I could get the job done the stinky, effective, and cross-browser
compatible way and not mess with clunky CSS tricks to force table cells
to behave the same in different browsers by different means.  :)

Please understand that I'm not knocking the suggestion as one that's not
feasible or useful, but it would create a larger manageability curve
that I personally would prefer not to climb, even if I had the time.

~ cj
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