For all you good css bug fixers on this list.

I'm using the "In search of the One True Layout"  (http:// as part of my  
layout, and it's particularly important in my layout to use the  
absolutely positioned div at the bottom of each column. However this  
is what fails in certain Gecko based browsers, in particular FireFox  
1. I am aware that the problem has been solved in the latest build of  
FF1.5, but I can't see most people downloading/installing that  
straight away.

So, to the point - does anyone know of a way to target these browsers  
(or FF alone) so the bug can be worked around? I have been looking  
around, and the closest I get is this page ( 
css/bugs/gecko1.8b2+_negativefloats/) which addresses the issue.

If not, I'm highly interested in any markup that will let me  
vertically align 3 divs of varying content-lengths, and yet keep them  
at the same hight, but with a tag stuck to the bottom of each. If I  
can do this with faux columns that is ok too. (The dreaded deadline  
is to close to be perfect now ...)
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