
on Wednesday, November 23, 2005 at 13:28 Zoe M. Gillenwater wrote:

> John Mandia wrote:

>>I want to build a form with a set amount of standard form controls (e.g.
>>textbox, label beside text box and validator [asp.net]) and some dynamic
>>ones (depending on the audience there may be different textboxes/dropdowns
>>etc that get dynamically added).
>>My question is this. Can I control the order of all the text boxes both
>>dynamic and preset via css i.e. e.g. wrap a div around a label, textbox and
>>validator (similar to a table row) and then order these via css (e.g. a css
>>reference gets added dynamically to match the current mode).
>>That way you can one team that want dynamic textbox 3 to be inbetween
>>standard textbox one and two?

> 2. you would have to rely on absolute positioning, making it very likely
> for your divs to start overlapping each other at larger text sizes.

Only if you position the divs with px or other fixed values. He could
use em to avoid this issue.

But you're right. He should prefer to use asp.net to order the
divs/inputs ('cause he seems to use it anyway) or, if it has to be
on the client, JavaScript.




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