Have been working on a total revamp/rethink of my layout (thanks for the help 
David Laasko & Christian Heilmann). It was an absolute mess and needed a  total 
work around

Now I have 2 quick questions 

(i) My new layput which expands without breaking until about 200-300% as 
advised by David Laasko is below but relies heavily on 

min-height: 199px;
 height: auto !important;
 height: 199px;

for the laypout. will this validate as CSS? Is there an alternative as the 
worst browser in the world has let me down again by not supporting min-height.

(ii) here is my code why has it stopped to display in IE?. I am sure it is 
simple maybe a fresh pair of eyes will solve it. The HTML validates ok.(it is 
not quite done yet)

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