
Not too sure about your problems in NN... you might want to start here:


A few screens from the Mac/OSX world:

Safari (I get the same javascript error twice):

IE 5.2.3 (Took forever - several minutes - to load on high-speed  
cable... I ended-up force-quiting IE and never was able to get past the  
javascript error message):

Good luck,

On Nov 25, 2005, at 10:58 PM, Lizet Pena de Sola wrote:

> Hello all,
> I'm new to the list and glad I found it.
> I recently finished a small interface project  that required the
> customization of windows media player a couple of web pages.
> The test url is:
> It works fine with IE6 but fails to load an entire part of the page
> with NN. Any idea as to where the incompatibility is will be more than
> welcome. Thanks in advance!
> The code of that part (that is missing in NN) is as follows:
> Note: I haven't cleaned up the code to show here.
> <!-- ---------------- SLIDES FRAME  ---------------------------- -->
>               <div id="SlidesWrapper" class="SlidesWrapperOn"><div 
> id=SlidesDiv
> align=center valign=middle style="position:relative; top:40px;
> left:-2px;display:none;WMPrerollDisplay:none; z-index:0;">
>               <IFRAME src="" id="SlidesFrame" name="SlidesFrame" width=100%
> height=100% scrolling="no" FRAMEBORDER=0 allowTransparency="true">
>               <IFRAME id="SlidesCmd" name="SlidesCmd"
> style="visibility:hidden;display:none;"></IFRAME>
>               </div></div>
> <div id="Agenda" class="AgendaOff"></div>
> <div id="Speakers" class="SpeakersOff"
> onClick="javascript:showTab('Speakers');"></div>
> <div id="Materials" class="MaterialsOff"></div>
> <div id="Help" class="HelpOff"></div>
> <div id="RightHandArea" style="position:absolute; top:180px;
> left:374px; HEIGHT: 373px;    WIDTH: 415px;
> background-image:url(images/shadow-window-behind.gif);
> background-repeat:no-repeat;display:none;WMPrerollDisplay:none"></div>
> <div id="SlidesOver" onClick="javascript:showTab(this);"></div>
> <div id="AgendaOver" onClick="javascript:showTab(this);"></div>
> <div id="SpeakersOver" onClick="javascript:showTab(this);"></div>
> <div id="MaterialsOver" onClick="javascript:showTab(this);"></div>
> <div id="HelpOver" onClick="javascript:showTab(this);"></div>
> <style>
> #SlidesOver
> {
>       position:absolute;
>       top:152px;
>       left:378px;
>       HEIGHT: 33px;
>       WIDTH: 75px;
>       background-color:transparent;
>       background-repeat:no-repeat;
>       display:none;
>       WMPrerollDisplay:none;
>       z-index:400;
>       OVERFLOW: hidden;
>       cursor:hand;    
> }
> #AgendaOver
> {
>       position:absolute;
>       top:152px;
>       left:465px;
>       HEIGHT: 33px;
>       WIDTH: 75px;
>       background-color:transparent;
>       background-repeat:no-repeat;
>       display:none;
>       WMPrerollDisplay:none;
>       z-index:400;
>       OVERFLOW: hidden;
>       cursor:hand;    
> }
> #SpeakersOver
> {
>       position:absolute;
>       top:152px;
>       left:553px;
>       HEIGHT: 33px;
>       WIDTH: 75px;
>       background-color:transparent;
>       background-repeat:no-repeat;
>       display:none;
>       WMPrerollDisplay:none;
>       z-index:400;
>       OVERFLOW: hidden;
>       cursor:hand;    
> }
> #MaterialsOver
> {
>       position:absolute;
>       top:152px;
>       left:638px;
>       HEIGHT: 33px;
>       WIDTH: 75px;
>       background-color:transparent;
>       background-repeat:no-repeat;
>       display:none;
>       WMPrerollDisplay:none;
>       z-index:400;
>       OVERFLOW: hidden;
>       cursor:hand;    
> }
> #HelpOver
> {
>       position:absolute;
>       top:152px;
>       left:720px;
>       HEIGHT: 33px;
>       WIDTH: 75px;
>       background-color:transparent;
>       background-repeat:no-repeat;
>       display:none;
>       WMPrerollDisplay:none;
>       z-index:400;
>       OVERFLOW: hidden;
>       cursor:hand;    
> }
> .SlidesWrapperOn
> {
>       position:absolute;
>       top:152px;
>       left:372px;
>       HEIGHT: 373px;
>       WIDTH: 413px;
>       background-image:url(images/slide-window-on.gif);
>       background-repeat:no-repeat;
>       display:none;
>       WMPrerollDisplay:none;
>       z-index:300;
>       OVERFLOW: hidden;
>       cursor:arrow;   
> }
> .SlidesWrapperOff
> {
>       position:absolute;
>       top:152px;
>       left:372px;
>       HEIGHT: 373px;
>       WIDTH: 413px;
>       background-image:url(images/slide-window-off.gif);
>       background-repeat:no-repeat;
>       display:none;
>       WMPrerollDisplay:none;
>       z-index:0;
>       OVERFLOW: hidden;       
>       cursor:arrow;
> }
> .AgendaOn
> {
>       position:absolute;
>       top:152px;
>       left:374px;
>       HEIGHT: 373px;
>       WIDTH: 415px; background-image:url(images/agenda-window-on.gif);
>       background-repeat:no-repeat;
>       display:none;
>       WMPrerollDisplay:none;
>       POSITION: absolute;
>       OVERFLOW: hidden;
>       z-index:300;
>       cursor:arrow;
> }
> .AgendaOff
> {
>       position:absolute;
>       top:152px;
>       left:374px;
>       HEIGHT: 373px;
>       WIDTH: 413px; background-image:url(images/agenda-window-off.gif);
>       background-repeat:no-repeat;
>       display:none;
>       WMPrerollDisplay:none;
>       POSITION: absolute;
>       OVERFLOW: hidden;
>       z-index:0;
> }
> .SpeakersOn
> {
>       position:absolute;
>       top:152px;
>       left:374px;
>       HEIGHT: 373px;
>       WIDTH: 413px;
>       background-image:url(images/speakers-window-on.gif);
>       background-repeat:no-repeat;
>       display:none;
>       WMPrerollDisplay:none;
>       OVERFLOW: hidden;
>       z-index:300;    
>       cursor:arrow;
> }
> .SpeakersOff
> {
>       position:absolute;
>       top:152px;
>       left:374px;
>       HEIGHT: 373px;
>       WIDTH: 413px;
>       background-image:url(images/speakers-window-off.gif);
>       background-repeat:no-repeat;
>       display:none;
>       WMPrerollDisplay:none;
>       OVERFLOW: hidden;
>       z-index:0;      
>       cursor:hand;
> }
> .MaterialsOn
> {
>       position:absolute;
>       top:152px;
>       left:375px;
>       HEIGHT: 373px;
>       WIDTH: 415px;
>       background-image:url(images/materials-window-on.gif);
>       background-repeat:no-repeat;
>       display:none;
>       WMPrerollDisplay:none;
>       OVERFLOW: hidden;
>       z-index:300;
>       cursor:arrow;
> }
> .MaterialsOff
> {
>       position:absolute;
>       top:152px;
>       left:375px;
>       HEIGHT: 373px;
>       WIDTH: 413px;
>       background-image:url(images/materials-window-off.gif);
>       background-repeat:no-repeat;
>       display:none;
>       WMPrerollDisplay:none;
>       OVERFLOW: hidden;
>       z-index:0;
>       cursor:arrow;
> }
> .HelpOn
> {
>       position:absolute;
>       top:152px;
>       left:377px;
>       HEIGHT: 373px;
>       WIDTH: 413px;
>       background-image:url(images/question-window-on.gif);
>       background-repeat:no-repeat;
>       display:none;
>       WMPrerollDisplay:none;
>       OVERFLOW: hidden;
>       z-index:300;
>       cursor:hand;
> }
> .HelpOff
> {
>       position:absolute;
>       top:152px;
>       left:377px;
>       HEIGHT: 376px;
>       WIDTH: 413px;
>       background-image:url(images/question-window-off.gif);
>       background-repeat:no-repeat;
>       display:none;
>       WMPrerollDisplay:none;
>       OVERFLOW: hidden;
>       z-index:0;
>       cursor:arrow;
> }
> </style>
> <script language="javascript">
> function showTab(el){
>   //alert('I entered here!!!');
>   if(el.id=='SlidesOver'){
>      //alert('Got into first div');
> document.getElementById('SlidesWrapper').className='SlidesWrapperOn';
>        document.getElementById('Agenda').className='AgendaOff';
>        document.getElementById('Speakers').className='SpeakersOff';
>        document.getElementById('Materials').className='MaterialsOff';
>        document.getElementById('Help').className='HelpOff';
>   }
>    if(el.id=='AgendaOver'){
>      //alert('Got into second div');
>      document.getElementById('Agenda').className='AgendaOn';
> document.getElementById('SlidesWrapper').className='SlidesWrapperOff';
>        document.getElementById('Speakers').className='SpeakersOff';
>        document.getElementById('Materials').className='MaterialsOff';
>        document.getElementById('Help').className='HelpOff';
>   }
>   if(el.id=='SpeakersOver'){
>      //alert('Got into third div');
>      document.getElementById('Agenda').className='AgendaOff';
> document.getElementById('SlidesWrapper').className='SlidesWrapperOff';
>        document.getElementById('Speakers').className='SpeakersOn';
>        document.getElementById('Materials').className='MaterialsOff';
>        document.getElementById('Help').className='HelpOff';
>   }
>   if(el.id=='MaterialsOver'){
>      //alert('Got into fourth div');
>      document.getElementById('Agenda').className='AgendaOff';
> document.getElementById('SlidesWrapper').className='SlidesWrapperOff';
>        document.getElementById('Speakers').className='SpeakersOff';
>        document.getElementById('Materials').className='MaterialsOn';
>        document.getElementById('Help').className='HelpOff';
>   }
>   if(el.id=='HelpOver'){
>      //alert('Got into fifth div');
>      document.getElementById('Agenda').className='AgendaOff';
> document.getElementById('SlidesWrapper').className='SlidesWrapperOff';
>        document.getElementById('Speakers').className='SpeakersOff';
>        document.getElementById('Materials').className='MaterialsOff';
>        document.getElementById('Help').className='HelpOn';
>   }
> }
> </script>
> --
> Lizet Pena de Sola
> The Nice Web
> http://lizet.theniceweb.com
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