
In the good-old just-html days, if you had an ordered list going and 
wanted to interrupt it for a graphic, you could start it up again 
without losing count by using a "start=" attribute, such as:

       This is my first item.

This is a graphic.

<ol start=2>
       This is my second item.

and so on.

However, the "start=" attribute has been depreciated in favor of the 
"counter-reset" and "counter-increment" properties, as described:


However, I'm lost trying to figure out what that's all about.

Does anyone have a simple example that works for the type of problem 
I described above?

And, for sake of argument, what was the reason for changing this easy 
to apply/understand attribute to something that isn't? I can 
understand trying to separate presentation from content, but this 
seems a bit counter-productive, doesn't it? Or, am I missing 

Thanks for your interest and reply.


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