At 10:32 -0500 8/12/05, Reynier Perez Mira wrote:
>Well .. I check later the page you leave me. What's means "foo" ?? I 
>can't understand complety your sentence because I not know what's 
>mean "foo".
>Soury I'm cuban and pratice english only in this way

"Foo" means that the word is a variable and you need to substitute it 
with the actual meaning.

Remember folks, not everyone speaks English as a first language round 
here. Nor does everyone necessarily understand cultural references 
that seem obvious to you. Especially ones that relate to programming 

I'm not suggesting that people dumb down or that people on this list 
shouldn't occasionally confront something new (otherwise how are they 
supposed to learn?), but just to remind people that simple, clear 
writing is a winner in any language.

Lastly, always try to write as informative a subject line as you can 
when you start a thread on the list - it really helps the other list 
members to decide whether they even bother to read your message in 
the first place, and then it helps people searching for answers in 
the future which makes the list better for everyone.

Alex Robinson
css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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