On 12/19/2005 12:10 PM Paul Jinks wrote:

> I have a top horizontal nav list css as follows.
>      <ul id="navlist">
>          <li><a></a><li>
>      </ul>
> and so on.
> This divides the top nav area into 4 areas for 4 links. In FF, the whole 
> of each of these is clickable. In IE6, only the text is clickable. I've 
> tried to get round this by setting a width for <ul#navlist li a>, either 
> with px or %, but this seems to screw up the whole thing for IE which 
> wants to shunt the last list item onto a new line.
> Any idea what's going on? and how to fix it?
> See the page here: http://www.annjinkscounselling.co.uk/contact.htm
> CSS at: http://www.annjinkscounselling.co.uk/css/annjinks.css


I gave "ul#navlist li a" a 100% width and it seemed to work OK locally.

ul#navlist li a {
        display: block;
         width: 100%; /*!!!! new !!!!*/
        padding: 0.2em;
        border-width: 1px;
        border-color: #ffe #aaab9c #ccc #fff;
        border-style: solid;
        color: #EAF5F7;
        text-decoration: none;
        background: #8C9BB0;

While I was poking around I noticed this (actually TopStyle noticed it):

#maincontent {
        font-color: teal;
        color: #003366;

There's no selector "font-color" so you should probably just delete it 
in favor of the following "color".

Steve Clason
Web Design and Development
Boulder, Colorado, USA

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