> >>It's some DOM magic
> > AJAX comes to mind.
> No, it doesn't, since there's no XML or XmlHttpRequest AFAIK, so it's
> pure DOM manipulation.
> You should read
> <http://www.quirksmode.org/blog/archives/2005/06/you_shouldve_be_1.html#link2>

Or even better, the definitions all members of the DOMscripting TF
have collected:

Whenever there is a timed effect, like a slow sliding or slow
fading-in you can be 99.789314245% sure that it is not a CSS only
effect, but a JavaScript that helps CSS to overcome this non-feature.
CSS, much like HTML is either there or not there, there is no changing
of the state once it is rendered (exceptions are rollovers, but even
those are one state or the other without a transition in between).
Stu Nichols confused matters with his CSS flick animations:
These are funky, but not really a usable idea in a commercial site, as
they involve loading every state as an own image and then animating
them via moving your mouse.
Faruk of KuraFire now confuses matters even more by releasing his FACE:
A must read to that one has to be the comments at Roger's:

Chris Heilmann
Blog: http://www.wait-till-i.com
Writing: http://icant.co.uk/
Binaries: http://www.onlinetools.org/
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