>Just need this checked for the usual cross-browser issues and if anything 
>jumps out at anybody where the CSS can be handled better go ahead and point it 
>out. It's working pretty good for me in NS/FF/IE for PC. I have a client site 
>coming soon that will need to be checked in a more in-depth manner. Thanks!
It is working pretty good for me, too.
Some very subjective personal opinions:
1/  I am @1280. I disabled background images when viewing the site as 
your background image was just too busy and overwhelming, making it 
extremely difficult to concentrate on the content text.. Incidentally, 
you'll need to add something like:
body, html {background-color: #FFF;}
Not every os/browser has a white default background. I use fuchsia in 
Opera, for example(and fuchia does not improve your site).
2/ I much prefer the pages that do not have the scroll box.
3/ There is no link back to the home page from your resume.
4/ I get short page shift going back and forth from long to short pages.
5/ You've got the fonts set in pixels; consequently, I was not able to 
zoom them in the 'evil one.'
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