Ok, I have been wondering this for some time, and as much as I dislike the
myspace generation, I need to know some technical aspects.

I have seen maybe 2 pages where someone has done a really nice job laying
out the page.  In the code, I see this:
table table table table { css here };

Can someone tell me what this is all about, or point me to a link, I do not
get that one bit.

Second, seems you have to shove all css into the body of the page, meaning
to me, procedurally, the css, loads after the body and html tags, so you
would think it should not even work.  Is this even valid, or just am area
the browsers decide to patch up for the user.  ie:
Mess of old html code
body {
    foo: foo;
Scott Haneda                                Tel: 415.898.2602
<http://www.newgeo.com>                     Novato, CA U.S.A.

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