Hi David

Well I have been looking and playing about with your code which is great
because it gets away from using the 720px wide background image I was trying
to use and instead uses a background image for each column (which is roughly
where I was at 2 days ago but I couldn't get it to work!)

I understand the anchor div gives me the centred 720px width with the
background for the centre column, the outer and wrapper columns give me the
background for the left and right columns. So far so good but then I get

The content div wraps the left and main divs only with a blue.gif
background(?) and sidebar (again with background red.gif) is just inside the
wrapper div.

I can't understand the arrangement of divs and also what seems like
duplicating divs with the background image?

I tried putting it together one div at a time to see the effect etc and
still got lost! :)

Is there a basic technique you are using here that I can study up on? It's
very tempting to ask politely if I can just use your code as it is and be
done with it!(I have spent 6 days now on one page that would take me 10 mins
to code in tables plus I have compromised the original design to make it
more css friendly and even so I am wondering what I did in a previous life
to have this much grief with my first css page!!! :) ) But I really want to
understand it, beat it into submission, master it and rule the world! :)

I had already seen an article about fixing the 3 pixel shift on
positioniseverything so I think that bit can be sorted easily...

Best regards,


-----Original Message-----
From: David Laakso [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 29 December 2005 23:04
To: CSS List
Subject: Re: [css-d] 3 same height columns layout problem

Samatason Ltd wrote:

>Hi David
>Thank you very much for taking the time to put that together! I will 
>study your code to see how you are doing it and report back...
>Yes. <http://www.dlaakso.com/vacation.html>.
>I can't fix anything-- easier to start with a clean sheet.
>The xml declaration above the doctype puts the 'evil one' in quirksmode.
>If you can use this, it is your call about quirksmode-- works either 
>way, maybe.
I just noticed, our little ie 3px friend is rearing its ugly head on that
page. You'll see it on left side of the middle (green) column in
ie-- beginning from the top of that middle column, to the bottom of the text
in the blue column. If it is worthwhile to pursue, perhaps someone else on
the list will be kind enough to provide a fix. Or a better solution.

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