> I've got a fixed width table (750px) with 10 columns on a fixed width  
> page. I've been asked to squeeze an additional 2 or 3 columns of data  
> into the same space. In some cases, the data simply won't fit  
> horizontally in the space allotted at readable font sizes. I know the  
> arguments for allowing the page and the table to expand, but I'm  
> trying to explore other options due to other constraints.
> One option is that I simply use
>     {overflow: auto;}
> on the table (or perhaps, the div that contains the table).
> Is there another way?
> For example, I could use
>       { text-overflow: ellipsis; }
> on certain columns, but how do I make that hidden data visible if a  
> user wants to see it?

In May 2005, we discussed a question how to wrap long URL's [1].

Paul Novitski explained his idea to let long URLs be partially 
hidden with an ellipsis, and I suggested a pure CSS solution for his 

The method uses a float that drops into view once an preceding float 
gets too wide and is hidden by an overflown container.

Recently, I thought about other problems that this solution could 
address, and talked with Georg Sørtun about other possibilities [2][3].

So, I hope, yes, this could be another way:

(A change to the May attempt is the link that is absolutely 
positioned in a 1x1px right float to keep the dropping float itself 
small, while the a.p.link physically does not take space)

Technically, it looks promising in Fx1.5, IE6/Win, Opera8, Safari 
2.0.2. IE5.23Mac shows the link, but adds some transparency to it.

Critique and suggestions appreciated.
Does it solve the problem? Is it accessible?


[1] http://archivist.incutio.com/viewlist/css-discuss/57426
[2] http://www.satzansatz.de/cssd/tmp/dropitII.html
[3] http://www.gunlaug.no/tos/alien/test_8770.html
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