Hey CJ,
Here's a test I made.  Take a look in IE and you'll see it mess up.


It's pretty obvious ;)


cj wrote:
>> Actually, that formulation could well break something you don't want
>> broken.  Note that .about.home will break in IE/Win, which will apply
>> the rule to everything with the "home" class, completely ignoring the
>> "about" class.  However, modern browsers will get it correct, and
>> only apply the rule to elements with both classes.  Zoe's method will
>> apply the rule to any element with *either* class in all
>> browsers.  That is probably not what you want.
> i've been able to use .class1.class2 with success in IE in my project.  do
> you happen to have an example test page link where this is shown to not
> work?  perhaps my css isn't doing what i think it's doing!
> this is one example of css that looks like it's working in my own work:
> .wrapper-div.solo,
> .wrapper-div.multi {
>     border-top: 2px solid #4e94d5;
>     border-left: 2px solid #4e94d5;
>     }
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