On 1/13/2006 5:49 PM Keith Kaiser wrote:
> kaiserklan.com/roundtable/index2.html is my attempt to rewrite my 10
> year effort to help the Boy Scouts. But I'm in pretty desperate shape,
> it's just not coming together the way I would like, here are my
> guidelines.
> 1) I want it to look similar to http://www.northernstarbsa.org/
> 2) NO tables, only CSS
> 3) When you click one of the left side menu items the main page should
> hide the current DIV and display the new one.
> If you bring the page up, for some reason all the DIVs show, only the
> DIV d1 should show on first load. It's a mess folks please send any
> and all helpful thoughts, I'm going to put a long list of who helped
> me with this in the page when its done.
> The CSS is at kaiserklan.com/roundtable/css/rtstyle2.css, there is
> very little JavaScript involved by its in js/servicescripts.js if you
> need to see that. Most of the content is still to come, but if you
> have any interest in the current page its at
> kaiserklan.com/roundtable.

It looks like JavaScript issues, not CSS (and so off-topic for this 
list). At first glance I don't see where you're calling the function 
hidediv(), so your divs are never forced hidden by the JavaScript.

You're going to need something like <body onload="hidediv('d1')">, which 
ought to hide everything but d1. I noticed, though, that there are other 
JavaScript errors--for instance, the last function is missing a closing 
bracket--so I believe you are in for some troubleshooting. The 
JavaScript console in FireFox will be one of your new best friends, 
along with the "View Rendered Source" in Chris Pederick's (deep bow) Web 
Developer's Toolbar for Firefox and the Firefox DOM inspector.

I'll help you as I can but you should email me offlist. Webdesign-l 
might be a better list for the kind of help you need 

Steve Clason
Web Design and Development
Boulder, Colorado, USA

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