
On Jan 16, 2006, at 8:57 AM, 2geedesign wrote:

> I have designed a simple two column liquid layout using % widths  
> and Sliding Faux columns. My problem is that as you increase the  
> text size in FF, Netscape, at a certain size the text in the RH  
> column spills out of the navbar div.
> Site address http://www.debbiejoynes.co.uk/

It looks like you partly fixed this.  It now spills out the right...

You are running in to a problem with the width of the word  
'Psychotherapy' which will stick out if its container when the width  
of the container is less than the width of the word.  You can make  
this design a bit more flexible by setting your min-width in ems  
rather than pixels.  That way it will get wider as the user increases  
the text size.


Roger Roelofs

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