Hi all,

I've having a problem with the height of some <a> elements on a page (see
""Free Trial" and "Join The Team" at
http://postureworks.bluelangroup.net/index.php4). You'll notice that the
container spans and div have expanded in height, well past what's needed for
the text. I've tried manipulating the CSS at
http://postureworks.bluelangroup.net/PWStyle_v3.css a number of different
ways to correct this, but can't figure it out.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions :)


Erik Domingo

PS Interesting to note that when I don't specify "display:block" for the <a>
element, IE6 works fine, but FF expands the height of just the link element.
I would leave this as is, but I want to have the site work properly in both
browsers :)
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