C. Sitaram Reddy Wrote:

> >From: Zoe M. Gillenwater
> >
> >C. Sitaram Reddy wrote:
> >
> > >When I print a page (in IE 6.0, FireFox 1.5), text that is 
> far to the 
> >right
> > >on the screen is getting chopped off. I have
> > >
> > >textarea {height:auto; overflow:visible;}
> > >
> > >in my stylesheet for print. Having the same problem with 
> drop down lists,
> > >too.
> > >

> >
> >Please post the URL of the page to the list and we'll take a look.
> >
> >Zoe
> >

> Here it is: http://home.comcast.net/~sitaram.reddy/testPrint.html
> Thanks for looking into this!
> Sitaram.


The problem is the overflow:visible declaration. This is causing the
content to overflow the container, no matter what the container
dimensions are. So even though the browser can scale the container since
you've not defined its dimensions, the actual content is still expanding
past it.

So what appears to happen is the browser only scales the container
enough to fit the page, ignoring the actual content since its been told
to expand the content until its end.

Removing the overflow:visible will allow the content to shrink properly
and still print fine.

I tested it in Firefox 1.5/PC and it worked as expected with
overflow:visible removed.

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