On 1/24/06, Erik Domingo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm in need of some help. At
> http://postureworks.bluelangroup.net/Customers_CaseStudies2.php, you can see
> I've used a table in the top part of the center column to display content.
> This table (contained with the #main element) is floated right. The problem
> is that Firefox displays the table to the right of the #submenu div (also
> floated in the #main container), while IE displays it below #submenu (which
> is what I want).
> When I use the clear: property on #submenu, both browsers clear not only the
> submenu div, but also the navbar element on the left of the page. Visually,
> this means the table in the center column starts vertically below the nav
> bar (not so good). I know this is correct per the CSS2 specs, but it won't
> work :(


When I edit the CSS via the web developer extension for Firefox and
add "clear:left;" to  #submenu, I'm not seeing the left nav clear as
you describe.

Bryce Fields

"Do or do not! There is no try!" -- Yoda
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