I am trying to design a page that has a set container that adjusts when
you change the size of the page. I am using float, and I am having a
problem where the background does not show up when you use a table.  
In my
case, for a form. Can someone explai to me why the background is not  
as I have set in the container? Why is it that if I change float to
relative for the form does the background then work? Below is the  
code. I
have replaced where I have images with colors so that you can see the



<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";>

         <style type="text/css">

                         font-family: "Lucida Grande", Tahoma,  
Verdana, Arial, Helvetica,
                         color: #555753;
                         background: #505050;
                         margin-top: 0px;

                         width: 800px;
                         background: white;
                         margin: 0 auto;
                         text-align: left;

                         width: 800px;
                         height: 90px;
                         float: left;
                         background: blue;

                         width: 100px;
                         height: 25px;
                         float: left;
                         background: orange;

                         width: 100px;
                         height: 25px;
                         float: left;
                         background: yellow;

                         width: 100px;
                         height: 25px;
                         float: left;
                         background: red;

                         width: 100px;
                         height: 25px;
                         float: left;
                         background: green;


                         width: 100px;
                         height: 25px;
                         float: left;
                         background: cyan;

                         float: left;

                         background: #F1F1F1;
                         border: black solid 1px



<div id="container">

         <div id="topbar">

         <div id="home_menu">

         <div id="mystory_menu">

         <div id="photoalbum_menu">

         <div id="journal_menu">

         <div id="menu_blank">

         <div id="menu_blank">

         <div id="menu_blank">

         <div id="menu_blank">

         <div id="table_placement">

                 <form id="journalEntry" action="journalentry.php"  
Journal Information</h2></td>
valign="top"><label for="title">Title:</label>
type="text" name="title" size="80" class="input-box" /></td>
valign="top"><label for="entry">Entry:</label></td>
name="entry" rows="20"
                                         <td align="right"><input  
type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit
Entry" /></td>
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